10 Questions with Jenny Schoberl author of Kids are Turds
Jenny Schoberl author of Kids are Turds and Musings of a 20-Something Mom and the Perils of Being a Mommy Blogger has amassed a loyal following of readers through her hysterical, self-deprecating and often obscenity laced blog holdinholden.com. Jenny is the mother of two and a self-described “pot of stress”. I was curious to know how Jenny balances the responsibilities of parenthood with the demands of being an author. Check it out…

1. Can you discuss how writing helps you cope with the stresses of parenthood?
I’ve always felt like getting it out is better than holding it in, and I’m not one of those moms who is just great with whining or has a cornucopia of patience stocked up, so I absolutely needed a place to vent.
2.Who or what inspired you to make your private struggles public knowledge?
2.Who or what inspired you to make your private struggles public knowledge?
I was the first in my circle of friends to have kids, so I had absolutely no one to talk to. I joined an online group of moms, but none of them really seemed to get me, so I really needed my own outlet. I honestly didn’t even think twice about what was”acceptable” to write and what wasn’t, according to people on the internet.
3.Your writing is honest and vulnerable. Have you always been comfortable with vulnerability?
I’m absolutely a TMI type of person. I have zero shame, and my filter broke a long, long time ago. Though, I’m far better at expressing myself (and relaying mortifying stories) through writing than I am through speaking.
4.Your writing voice is also unfiltered. In fact, you’ve been called the Howard Stern of mommy blogs. How long did it take you to find that voice?
Apparently, not long. It’s not that I find myself hilarious, but I had no idea that what I was writing would even be considered funny at first. It was just the random crap rattling around in my brain
5.What do you love most about the writing process?
I have a love/hate relationship with the process. I find it frustrating, and irritating, and sometimes like slamming my head into a brick wall, but the result is always what keeps me going. I love making people laugh and relate.
6.What’s the hardest thing about writing a book?
6.What’s the hardest thing about writing a book?
Everything. Ha! More seriously, editing. It’s the worst. I’m a wordy person, with run-on sentences and iffy punctuation, so trying to reign that in is quite the task.
7.What would you say to those who claim they would write if they had more time?
7.What would you say to those who claim they would write if they had more time?
If you waited until you had more time, or waited until you WANTED to write- you’ll never write anything.
8.When writing, which do you prefer…pen, computer, phone?
8.When writing, which do you prefer…pen, computer, phone?
I used to write only by pen and then type it up later, but lately I’ve been a computer person. I think I still like pen-to-paper better, though.
9.What does your husband think of your writing?
9.What does your husband think of your writing?
He thinks it keeps him breathing, so I assume he’s pretty pleased.
10.How does Jenny Schoberl relax?
I don’t. I’m on pretty much all the time, thinking, writing, texting myself, jotting down notes, taking photos. I’m a pot of stress. When I really need to de-stress, though, booze and theme parks do the trick
WoFo would like to thank Jenny for her interview. Please checkout Jenny’s website and her other social media accounts: Her unabashed candor and unfiltered style will have you cracking up over the absurd ordeal known as parenthood.
website: holdinholden.com
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