Facing Fear: An Interview with Horror Writer Deanna Destito
Deanna Destito is a freelance writer/editor based in New Jersey. Her articles and short stories have been featured in print and online publications in various industries and genres. She has also served as writer and editor for comic books, magazines, websites, and role-playing game books.
Her most recent work can be found in The Dark Reaches, a horror anthology graphic novel, which features three of her short stories in collaboration with The Walking Dead’s Rus Wooton and artists Daniel Crosier and Ted Pogo. Coming soon: a short comic in Spiders and Stardust: A Tribute to David Bowie. 

What makes the horror genre so appealing?
I love a good spooky story. Horror fascinates me because everyone has fears and horror can be any story based on those fears. It doesn’t have to be gory and it doesn’t have to have monsters. It can be something as simple as dark water or a strange sound. Being scared and dealing with that emotion are critical to being human. Facing fear is important and horror forces you to do that.
It’s hard to say because I’ve always told stories and made up characters, as far back as grade school. I loved fairy tales and myths growing up. My favorite book is Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere. Gaiman is a huge influence on me because he draws a lot from myth and folklore and creates his own versions of those worlds.
Do you have any quirky writing rituals or odd sources of writing inspiration?
I’m a night owl and tend to get the best inspiration at 2 or 3 am. It’s really good for horror writing because it’s dark and the house is super quiet. My mind starts going and I tend to scare myself, but it works for writing scary stories.
What is the most famous book you’ve never read?
Why do you write?
It’s always been a part of me. It’s an extension of my thoughts. It’s how I can express myself when other ways fail. It’s how I deal with any negativity or anxiety I may have. It’s how I purge stuff festering inside. I also like people watching and creating stories about random individuals I see.
If you could build a super-author consisting of three, living or deceased, authors who would you pick and why?
Neil Gaiman, DH Lawrence, and Geoffrey Chaucer. All three have a tremendous grasp on the written word. They are also masters at describing exactly what you need to see in your head as you read. They are all VERY different in their subject matter and backgrounds, so all fronts would be covered in a super novel.
What literally character would you like to meet for lunch? Why?
Dream from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman Series. I know it’s a graphic novel series, but the character is so fascinating. He’s got this quiet strength that is so alluring.
What are you currently working on that’s got you excited?
I’m working on a cop noir graphic novel with artists Martin Dunn and Javier Lugo. It’s a slight departure in genre for me. It’s got some creepy elements, but it’s not horror. It’s more of a thriller. Nothing supernatural at all.
Where can we find you?
I will be at New Jersey Comic Expo this November 18-19 in Edison.
You can purchase my work online at:
I’m also on
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DeannaDestitoWriter
Twitter: @DeannaDestito13
Instagram: deannad28
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