Podcast Checkout my recent appearance on the Set Lusting Bruce Podcast! Jason Armstrong October 4, 2016August 8, 2017No Comment/ul>
Podcast The Power of Creativity Podcast Episode #3: An Interview with Dr. Jack DiGiovanna Jason Armstrong September 19, 2016August 8, 2017No Comment/ul>
Podcast The Power of Creativity Podcast: Episode#2- Interview with artist Amy R. Terlecki Jason Armstrong August 10, 2016August 8, 2017No Comment/ul>
Podcast The Power of Creativity Podcast: Episode#1- The Healing Power of Creativity Jason Armstrong August 5, 2016August 8, 2017No Comment/ul>
Podcast Checkout my return to the Set Lusting Bruce Podcast with Jesse Jackson!! Jason Armstrong July 7, 2016August 8, 2017No Comment/ul>