Training Session #45-July 27: 5 Reasons Why I Wanted to Quit Today and 1 Reason Why I Didn’t
In 2013 I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis, an autoimmune disorder that chewed a hole in my cerebellum, atrophied various muscles, impaired my vision, balance, coordination and consequently stole my confidence and my ability to run. I have dedicated the summer of 2018 to regaining my strength, coordination, balance, and relearning how to run. I am participating in a 5k run on September 23rd in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is my training journal.
This is my attempt to grow physically and mentally strong again.
Write on. Fight on.
The previous training sessions can be found here, under “Fight on- Summer Training Log”
6:30 am- 7:25 am
Training Maxim:
No hurry. No pause.
Training Performed:

Each of the 9 exercises listed below were completed circuit style. The circuit was completed 6 times.
Bosu Ball:
- 1 minute standing pose
- 1 minute kneeling pose
- push-ups- 10 reps
15 pound Kettlebell:
- Swings -10 reps
- Thrusters- (hold the Kettlebell in both hands, at your chest, squat, quickly stand up and press the Kettlebell overhead) 10 reps
40 pound Barbell:
- Curls-10 reps
- Military press-10 reps
Exercise mat:
- Sit-ups-10 reps
- Crunches-10 reps
The circuit was completed without a rest period. No hurry. No pause.
Quote I’m Thinking About Today:
““Age wrinkles the body; quitting wrinkles the soul.” ~ Douglas MacArthur
5 Reasons Why I Wanted to Quit Today:
- I was tired.
- Training grew monotonous.
- Training hurt.
- I was more focused on completing the training then the process of training.
- I was thinking about all the other things I had to do after training.
And 1 Reason Why I Didn’t:
From The Previous Training Session- July 25: Loss is Change
Marcus Aurelius reminds us loss is nothing more than change.
How simple is Roman emperor’s perspective– the loss of anyone or anything is merely a circumstance that assesses your human ability to recalibrate your life.
But loss is hard.In fact, loss is the most difficult experience we humans endure.
Yet, our ability to change, in the wake of crushing loss, ultimately stimulates our ability to grow.