Good Companions
Good Companions
Over the last 48 hours I’ve a lot received text messages, Facebook messages, and emails from friends, family, people I haven’t seen in years, and from people I’ve never meet at all–they just enjoy my blog– about Monday’s good cancer procedure.
Some said they’re thinking about me. Some said they’re praying for me. Some offered to watch my kids. Some said they’ll be wearing their write on fight on shirt.
What do I say?
Of course I said thank you. Truly– thank you. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and kind words.
Of course I clicked the blue Facebook thumbs up on your “thinking of you” messages.
Of course I returned your text message that encouraged me to stay positive.
But even those responses feel short.
I feel like I should slip you a Starbucks gift card or a lottery scratch off or hand a favorite bottle of wine.
No. I know you don’t need those things.
In a world that drains hope faster than AA batteries on Christmas morning, in 48 hours your messages energized me and filled me with hope. Like a friend who called just at the right time.
And so the only fitting gift I can give you is to keep on writing.
Keep telling my story.
Keep trying to see life a little more clearer– for both of us.
And keep reminding myself that perspective is simply a matter of choice and self-pity, like a Target trip two days before Christmas Eve, is hazardous for your health.
We all desperately want to be understood. And when we’re misunderstood–we get angry, self-destruct, and our perspective becomes dangerously narrow.
You understood me. And your understanding broadened my perspective, halted my self-pity, and inspired me to get back to writing.
You gifted me your thoughts and love and companionship. Three things of great value. And so the best way to honor your gifts is for me to keep working to be a good companion for you, on our journey together.
Be well,
PS- After Monday’s procedure, I’ll share an update…and hopefully some cool scar pics as well.
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